Friday, August 24, 2012

Life Ain’t Perfect

You receive an announcement that the salary you've been anticipating for almost 2 months is already available. You check your payslip to find out you are still not included. You walk under the humid weather for 10 minutes to go to the machine and double-check. Nothing happens. In fact, your ATM card got retained in it!

After a while, you meet up with some of your old friends that you haven't seen for quite a while, and everything just felt right.

When it seems like the world has turned its back on you, think again.  Things might not happen exactly the way how you planned it to be, but believe that there is always a good reason behind it.

Instead of wallowing in a pool of misery, look around you.  God has given you a lot of reasons to put that beautiful smile back in that face again.  Fathom the moral of this experience.  You will learn something out of it.


It just happened to me.

Life ain't perfect.

But I keep on bouncing back. :)

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