Thursday, July 12, 2012

Less Talk, Less Mistake

I was scheduled to go back to the staff clinic today to have my PPD reading.  This is a test in which a small amount of tuberculin is injected under the skin to see if a patient has tuberculosis (TB).

Well, TB is not yet eradicated in the Philippines so we are at risk to be exposed.

The sub-dermal injection was done four days ago.  I was quite sure that I will not have any reaction to the agent any more.

And I was correct.

The nurse told me that I tested negative and that I could go back to my duty already.  So I turned to face the door without realizing that I was speaking my thoughts out loud.

Unknowingly, I said, "Hay salamat, di na ko positive dahil sa INH*!"

And the clock stood still for a split second, and then I heard the nurse said:  "WHAT DID YOU SAY, SISTER?!  INH?  WHEN?" And an internal alarm suddenly nagged me that something will turn out wrong.

"Uhhmm, in 2006, sister.  I had INH therapy in Riyadh."  And said this in a reassuring manner thinking it would change her mind.

Uh-oh...too late!  I lost my grace under pressure and told her something I'm not supposed to say! 

She handed me a request form to have another blood test done to double-check if I am indeed exposure-free.  So instead of getting clearance today, I will have to submit myself for a QuantiFERON test tomorrow at the OPD! 

Me and my big mouth!  

*Isoniazid is a treatment given to patients who tested positive for TB exposure.

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