Friday, September 28, 2012

They Were There

When I arrived shortly before midnight from Manila... they were there waiting at the lobby to welcome me. They carried my luggage and prepared a sumptuous dinner for me.

When I had to undergo prophylaxis... they were there to walk with me to the clinic and to the pharmacy.

When I feel the pains of the medications... they were there to give me pieces of advice on how to get through it.

When I didn't have my salary yet... they were there to 'adopt' me.

When my ATM got retained in the machine twice... they were there to cheer me up.

When I got sick... they were there to bring medications and snacks.

When I was so broken up inside... they were there to listen and give me comforting words.

When I couldn't sleep... they were there to kill time with me.

When I felt that everything was not going right... they were there to prove me otherwise.

There were lots of WHEN I's, and they were ALWAYS there. So this is my way of saying THANK YOU. 

Ma'am A, Len, and chef Leo: You have been my original HMC PEP SQUAD! Thanks so much for helping me make it through. :) 

And thank you, Father God, for blessing me with wonderful friends... here, there, and everywhere!

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