Tuesday, October 10, 2017

It is the Lord's

In this busy world we live in, frustrations abound the moment we open our eyes to start our day.  We may plan a lot of things on how we are going to handle our activities, but it may unexpectedly turn sour.  And then we get frustrated.

Allow me to share with you a wonderful experience that has just happened to me in the not so distant past.

Sometime in February, an announcement was made in our prayer assembly about the need for a Singles for Christ member to go on a weekend mission to Lebanon.  It must have been the leading of the Holy Spirit because I barely slept that night having that mission on my mind.

After my morning prayer the next day, I sent a message to my household leader informing her about my desire to say yes to that invitation.  That day was a breeze.  My supervisor allowed me to take a leave, and I have leave credits to spare.  The feeling was surreal!

The mission was set sometime in early March.  I prepared for the topic assigned to me.

However, the Lord has other plans.

The mission date was moved to the first week of April, and having no conflict whatsoever, it is still a go for me.

And then my mother got hospitalized.  Again with fluid in her lungs which was supposed to be fully drained during her admission in February.

This time, a chest tube had to be inserted directly through her right chest wall.

When you know your mother has a very high pain tolerance and yet hurts all over because of this chest tube, you know it is something out of the ordinary.  I had to book the soonest flight back to the Philippines for an emergency leave.  I was hoping the hospitalization would just be a short one because of two things - I only have 10 days available from my annual leave, and I am set to go on mission on the first week of April.

I am a girl who loves surprises; I have made surprise vacations to the Philippines twice.  This time, the reason for the surprise was really not for a jolly reason.

The plane landed uneventfully in Manila.  I went straight to the hospital.  Nobody knew I am coming home except for my two younger sisters.  (Thanks to my best friend for picking me up at the airport despite the short notice.)

My heart broke into a million pieces when I saw her on the hospital bed.  Nanay was in pain.  She lost weight.  Gone is her cheerful face that can light up a dim room.

Since my youngest sister was sent to the UK for training, my younger sister and I had alternating schedules at the hospital.  She takes care of Nanay during the day, while I stay in the hospital at night.  In the wee hours of the morning, after regular rounds by residents, I would just sit at the corner of the dark room, praying silently and crying.  During those times, I would ask the Lord His plans for us.  Nanay's condition is nowhere improving, and I have the Lebanon mission in 2 weeks' time.  Half of me wanted to let go of the mission and stay in the Philippines for a few more days.

In my reflective moments, the Lord replied, "The battle is not yours but mine."*

So after 2 weeks, I enplaned back to Qatar.  With a heavy heart, I dragged myself out of the hospital room right after kissing my Nanay goodbye.  When I got back to Doha, I slept the whole morning, unpacked later in the afternoon, attended a joint praise and worship with my fellow Singles for Christ across the GCC at night, and then packed for my Lebanon trip.

During the praise and worship, the Lord once again affirmed me of His plans through the song "You Have Chosen Me" ... the lyrics were sang as if being directly sent to me:

"With Your Sprit, I will carry on
To spread Your love to each and every one
You have chosen me"

So in spite of a troubled heart, I went on with my mission.  And God is so great with surprises here and there!  The CFC tito and tita who accompanied me were very accommodating.

Our host family was very generous and very kind.  They even brought us to the mountains to see the last snow for the season.  It was my first time see and hold snow, how cool is that!

I guess it was the Lord's way of easing my pain and preparing me for the activities ahead.

The next day, prior to my first talk, my sister gave me an update about the painful procedure done on my mother.  She said Nanay was wailing and shouting in pain and said that it felt like her chest wall would explode.  I broke into tears, but then during my prayer time, He spoke to me once again and said that it is His battle not mine.

That was one when I truly learned the essence of surrendering it all to God.  No if's, no but's... It is the Lord's.

And lo and behold, right after finishing my second talk the following day, my sister sent me a message that Nanay finally got clearance to be discharged.  I was so elated!  Tears of joy streaming down my face!  We got victory on the last day of our mission trip.  Just wow!

Fast forward to today, Nanay is in good condition (thank you, Lord!)  She is back attending her regular church activities and chores.

We are still awaiting for her PET scan schedule (and I believe she wants it done during my annual vacation), but we believe and we claim that everything will be okay.  We worry no more, for we know God is in control.

After all, the battle is God's, not ours.

For that, may God be praised!


*Suggested readings:
  • 1 Samuel 17:47
  • Exodus 14:14
  • Deuteronomy 20:4
  • 2 Chronicles 20:15

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