Monday, June 22, 2015

Letting Go

We fell in love and out of it.  Not once.  Not twice.  A lot of times.

I thought it was something that I could hold on to, but you let go and it tore me into a million pieces.

You came back.  I let you in.

Somewhere along the way, I knew there was something wrong, but my heart won’t accept any reason.

When I had to let go of you in the past, my eyes never drifted away.  I was still looking out for you in the open.  That is why every time the waves took you back ashore, I tried to grab everything that you have to offer - a minute of your day.  When the tide started to pull back, I was like a shattered coral.  Broken.  Lifeless.

Until one day, I heard the Lord’s voice.  “Loosen your grip and let go.”

I don’t want to.

But the Lord won’t accept no for an answer.  He took my hands and shook it fiercely, so strong that my grasp weakened.  Then, He laced His fingers over mine without leaving a space in between even for a thread.  I can’t hold on to anything except for His mighty hand.

And His eyes were looking only at me.  Merciful.  Loving.  Fatherly.

My eyes started to swell, but I do not have the will to look somewhere else.  I kept staring at Him.

Unblinking.  Unmoving.  Afraid.  Anxious.  Bewildered.

He said nothing.


By the time His hands slowly released mine, I looked out into the vast ocean.  You are nowhere to be found.  Not a single trace of you.

And now it dawned on me, only one reason made all the difference.


I never knew it would be this easy this time.  The only thing that changed is my focus.

Before, it was just you and me.

Now, it is God and I.

No one else.

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