Saturday, June 22, 2013

Super Man. Super Moon. Summer Solstice.

There is something in this June air.

Excited brides.

Dashing grooms.

More than that, I have started a new journey.

This is a road less traveled, something I have overlooked for so many years.  I have started to rediscover the power of God's love.  I know it will not be easy, but slowly I know I will be able to fully embrace the light and let go of what's keeping me away from receiving His grace.

June is the month when most couples declare their commitment of everlasting love.  This is the time that I commit myself back to the Lord's service.  While we watched the Man of Steel come to life on the big screen, I go back and watch in awe as His life enfolds before my very eyes.

Tomorrow, as the world stares at the super moon, we will once again be reminded of the Creator who has made all things beautiful.  He is the light of the world.

And as summer solstice arrives, we shall experience longer periods of daylight.  May we all be guided back into doing the righteous things.  Let the warmth of His forgiving hands embrace us and lead us to the right direction.

This will be another bumpy ride, but I am confident.  My Super God will be there to help me.  The lunar light shall light up my path.  The sun shall keep me out of  the dark.  Amen.

Pray for me and the rest of SFC batch 23.

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