Friday, February 1, 2013

The Countdown Begins

February 1 marks the start of a new page in our Gregorian calendar.  This also means that I have to start counting some more days before turning 34!

Sitting on my favorite couch in one corner of our crib, at the same time sipping a steaming mug of green tea with mint and honey, I started to jot down a list of why I should always be grateful:

  1. Loving and industrious parents.
  2. Naughty-but-nice sisters (and silent brother/s-in-law).
  3. A witty niece and an adorable nephew.
  4. Wonderful family, my wonderful aunts, uncles, and cousins (and super-extended relatives).
  5. Supportive and sensible girl friends and best friends.
  6. Past and present colleagues who spice up my realm called "work".
  7. A job (err, passion) that I love doing.
  8. Challenging career path that I never regretted taking.
  9. Just-enough money to pay my dues and debts (when will it ever end?)
  10. A church nearby where I could openly practice my belief.
  11. Enough mp3s in my hard drive to accompany me in my silent sanctuary.
  12. Feel-good chick flicks that I could watch over and over!
  13. Pistachio nuts in my cupboard.
  14. Enough stock of emergency food supplies (noodles and canned goods) in the pantry.
  15. Ability to cook and make other people satiated and happy!
  16. Heart-breaking but mind-opening relationship that has finally come to its "FINAL finale" (notice the redundancy?)
  17. A nice room to call my own, albeit temporarily (a.k.a. Yenster's Hub!)
  18. Having my dependable laptop (Baby Leno) that is now almost 4 years old, and a new heavy-duty HDD, too.
  19. Baby Mix that captures how I see the world through its lens (although most of the time still in AUTO mode.)
  20. Being able to re-live the history of World War II and the olden days in the arms of my grandparents before they were called back by the Supreme Being.
  21. Travel  - either alone, with friends, or with my mother.  (And sent Tatay and Nanay to a grand vacation with my girl friends!)
  22. That gift of being able to make someone smile and feel better.  I love surprises.
  23. Having a closely knit neighborhood who treat each other as family.
  24. Mentors who have helped me become a better person and a better leader (by becoming a good follower first.)
  25. Classmates (and batch mates) who believed in me ... and those who did not Ü.
  26. My gift of gab, a miniscule talent in writing, and a dash of wit.
  27. Living at an age where technology is at its peak.
  28. I am a Gen X'er, which means that I was privileged to run and play in the streets (not just in front of a large screen), climb mango trees, bathe in clean rivers, and know how a firefly actually looks like.
  29. Being able to watch a good movie, read a good book, dine at a fancy food shop, or just sing to my heart's delight.
  30. Living in a comfortable house, although not grand, but something I truly call HOME.
  31. People who challenge what I know because it picks my brain and allows me to persevere more.
  32. Having the will to understand the meaning of "patience," "hard work," and "humility."
  33. A heart that never stops beating (and loving).
  34. A merciful God who has taken me back into His arms even if I had gone astray for quite a while.

These and more make up my sojourn to this day.

If you feel you are a part of this list, please accept my sincerest gratitude.  Thank you so much!

Let the countdown begin!!!

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