Monday, March 11, 2013

Random Thoughts

We are running in circles
without the end in sight
both looking at the horizon
awaiting for the blinding light.

At last, you found a crossroad

and decided to make a stop
but I kept on chasing pavements
until I'm too far behind.

Soon you'll just be a silhouette

another shadow cast in my closet.
When you're gone, I'll start anew
Even if my world loses its hue.

So go, fulfill your dreams

while I try to fly without wings.
Only God knows what lies ahead
perhaps our paths will cross again.

Sunday, March 10, 2013


When I open my eyes
from a deep slumber
it is your face
that I see.

Why is it that

When I close them
it is still you
in my memory?

The laughter we had

The tears that I shed
Leads me back to questions
that were left unanswered.

So from here tell me

 to where I should go
Will I sail to
or far away from you?