Friday, July 26, 1996

My Fear

A buoyant song floats in the air.  It's so loud.  I can't do anything but keep my eyes closed tightly.  The superficial is singing with the tune, but the deep within is fearful ... of tomorrow's surprise that nobody knows!

Will I cry?  Will I smile?  Will I win or lose?  Do I have to risk a thousand bucks to win this game?  Am I the hope of everything - of friends and family?

I fear that one day, my dreams will shatter.  I do not think I would make it.  I am terribly afraid.

Then, a voice whispered, "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?  The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?" (Psalm 27:1)  Then continued with this, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28)

And I found myself looking at the sky, gazing up at God's wonders.  I saw Him smile and disappeared beyond my sight.

That night, I slept hoping to wake up on a brand new day.  Tomorrow, it will be the start of another journey with God beside me.

Thursday, April 11, 1996

One Rainy Day

I see the rainy day
as a weather sent by God
for this gives cold water
to the dry and dying plants.

The rain does nourish, too

the farmer's aching heart
for the crops would grow healthy
to meet all of man's demands.

It also makes a song

of tips and tops aloud
and all we have to do is pray
to thank the Lord our God.

Monday, February 5, 1996

When Words Become Whispers

On a cold, dark and solitary night
Here I sit, I am empty-handed
Without nothing to say
Without nothing in mind.

I looked at the heavens

Emotions poured from above
So got a pen and a paper
and scribbled all things out.

Mem'ries came rushing back

You and me together, holding hands
Our song was played on air
and tears flowed down my eyes.

If only I listened to the heartbeat

our love would have been brighter
But now you've walked away
my sweet words become whispers.