Friday, November 24, 1995

A Day in my Life

I'm dead nervous
hell of frustrations
I don't know!
I don't know.
All I have to do is just close my eyes
and breathe all vibrations out.

But the heartbeat's loud

like banging of drums.
I want to go out of this
dumb hallucination;
But how?  I still can't figure it out!

And so I think I need

Rescue right now.

Wednesday, November 8, 1995


Photo credit:  Pixshark

The stars, the moon
the trees galore
in a mysterious night.

Two shadows stopped
and kissed goodnight
and parted ways.

All went silent.
Time stood still
and closed their eyes.

For the night alone
bears witness
to the downfall of
mournful souls.


On dark nights
I am but thankful,
for I can see clearly
the beauty of the moon.

The stars in the heavens
dancing back and forth
gives such full splendor
for view of lonely souls.

That picture of the sky
is such a mystery
with one glance of your eyes
you're in captivity.

And that's the magic
of the night.

Tuesday, August 1, 1995

I Must Sleep

Photo credit:  Good Wallpapers

When all the world
falls down on me
and things are harder
than it should be...
... I feel sleepy.

When all my friends
are all aglow
and songs are vague
like colors that fade...
... I feel sleepy.

When the sun goes up
and shines so bright
and the day is hot
like burning fire...
... I feel sleepy.

When the moonlight's up
and guides my bed
and the busy day
has lain to rest...
...  I feel sleepy.

And then it's time
for me to dream.

Thursday, July 20, 1995

The Pen Writes Pain

Photo credit:  Randy the Copy Guy

We held each other's arms as we danced so slowly
Staring at each other's eyes a hundredfold;
The night seemed so long, songs never ought to fade
That was ecstasy on our first promenade.

Reminiscences, fond mem'ries of our past
Keeps coming back in my mind and in  my heart;
Sweet swap of feelings - of care and tender love
I thought would never end, but the spark died at once.

Do you still remember the night of our lives?
You whispered 'I love you' and kissed me goodnight;
It made my heart tremble and lift my soul free
But after the gloom you have left and hurt me.

So this flows along with pain in my pen
bursting out ink of my heart that was in vain;
wanting you to know that though time may pass by
I'm still a strong shoulder for you to rely.

And the bitterness keeps on reminding me
that once in my life I have loved you.